Indicator YZCHMC Explain a group of authors Yuriy Zaytsev, Alexey Sergeev, and Igor Kim (in 2008). The indicator nicely shows the trend market and buying or selling signals. The indicator YZCHMC Explain calculates the percentage of motion of the group of symbols in relation to the beginning of the day, taking also into account time zones, or open market in Europe, Asia and America.
Explain YZCHMC indicator can be edit add new symbols or remove some of them in file YZCHMC_V1.INI in the folder MetaTraders, where the first start automatically created. I recommend to play around with this indicator.
Explain YZCHMC indicator can be edit add new symbols or remove some of them in file YZCHMC_V1.INI in the folder MetaTraders, where the first start automatically created. I recommend to play around with this indicator.
Indicator YZCHMC Explain MQ4 Code Base (Copy Code)
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| YZCHMC_V1.mq4 | //| YURAZ Copyright © 2008 | //| www.mail.ru yzh@mail.ru | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Multi.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2008, Ńĺđăĺĺâ Ŕëĺęńĺé | //| mailto: urgunt@gmail.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Multi.mq4 | //|  ńîńňŕâĺ číäčęŕňîđŕ <inifiles.mqh> Ŕâňîđ ČĂÎĐÜ ĘČĚ KimIV | //| www.kimiv.ru admin@kimiv.ru | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Ńĺđăĺĺâ Ŕëĺęńĺé & YURAZ Copyright © 2008, KimIV © 2008" #property link "mailto: urgunt@gmail.com , yzh@mail.ru, admin@kimiv.ru " // // Číäčęŕňîđ ăđóďďîâîăî äâčćĺíč˙ // #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_color1 LimeGreen #property indicator_color2 Crimson #property indicator_level1 0.0 // API // Î÷ĺíü áűńňđî îďđĺäĺëčňü íŕëč÷čĺ ôŕéëŕ/ôŕéëîâ ďî ěŕńęĺ #import "kernel32.dll" int FindFirstFileA(string path, int & answer[]); bool FindClose(int handle); #import int win32_DATA[80]; // áóôĺđ ęóäŕ âĺđíĺň ďŕđŕěĺňđű FindFirstFileA extern string sFileINI = "YZCHMC_V1.INI"; string sNameIndicator="YZCHMC_V1"; string sPathApp; string sPathFileINI; // string sVERSION; int giCountSymbol; string sSymbol[][2]; void InitializeINIFile( ) // string &sSymbol[] ) { int i; sPathApp = TerminalPath(); // Ďóńňü ăäĺ đŕáîňŕĺň íŕř ňĺđěčíŕë sPathFileINI = StringConcatenate ( sPathApp ,"\\", sFileINI); // Íŕě äîńňŕňî÷íî ďîëó÷čňü đĺŕęöčţ íŕ íŕëč÷čĺ ôŕéëŕ - ďîýňîěó áóôĺđ ňîëüęî ďîëó÷ŕĺě íî íĺ ŕíŕëčçčđóĺě int handle = FindFirstFileA(sPathFileINI , win32_DATA); if ( handle >= 1 ) // Íŕřëč ôŕéë { // ×čňŕĺě ďŕđŕěĺňđű FindClose(handle); // çŕęđîĺě ĺăî sVERSION = ReadIniString( sPathFileINI , "DATEVERSION", "DATE", ""); giCountSymbol = ReadIniInteger( sPathFileINI , "COUNTSYMBOL", "COUNTSYMBOL", 0); ArrayResize( sSymbol, giCountSymbol*2 ); for ( i=0; i < giCountSymbol; i++ ) { sSymbol[i][0] = StringSubstr(ReadIniString( sPathFileINI , "SYMBOL", StringTrimRight ( StringTrimLeft (DoubleToStr(i,0)) ) , "" ),0); } } else { giCountSymbol = 52; // Íĺň ôŕéëŕ äŕííűő - ńîçäŕĺě ďîä áđîęĺđŕ ń áîëüřčě íŕáîđîě MRC - MoneyRain WriteIniString ( sPathFileINI , "DATEVERSION", "DATE", "2008.10.21"); WriteIniString ( sPathFileINI , "VERSION", "VERSION", "V1.S000001"); WriteIniInteger( sPathFileINI , "COUNTSYMBOL", "COUNTSYMBOL", giCountSymbol ); ArrayResize( sSymbol, giCountSymbol+2); sSymbol[ 0][0]="EURUSD"; sSymbol[ 1][0]="GBPUSD"; sSymbol[ 2][0]="AUDUSD"; sSymbol[ 3][0]="NZDUSD"; sSymbol[ 4][0]="USDCAD"; sSymbol[ 5][0]="USDCHF"; sSymbol[ 6][0]="USDALL"; sSymbol[ 7][0]="USDARS"; sSymbol[ 8][0]="USDBRL"; sSymbol[ 9][0]="USDBWP"; sSymbol[10][0]="USDCLP"; sSymbol[11][0]="USDCNY"; sSymbol[12][0]="USDCOP"; sSymbol[13][0]="USDCVE"; sSymbol[14][0]="USDCZK"; sSymbol[15][0]="USDDKK"; sSymbol[16][0]="USDDOP"; sSymbol[17][0]="USDDZD"; sSymbol[18][0]="USDEGP"; sSymbol[19][0]="USDGEL"; sSymbol[20][0]="USDGIP"; sSymbol[21][0]="USDHKD"; sSymbol[22][0]="USDHRK"; sSymbol[23][0]="USDHUF"; sSymbol[24][0]="USDIDR"; sSymbol[25][0]="USDILS"; sSymbol[26][0]="USDINR"; sSymbol[27][0]="USDIRR"; sSymbol[28][0]="USDISK"; sSymbol[29][0]="USDJPY"; sSymbol[30][0]="USDKRW"; sSymbol[31][0]="USDLBP"; sSymbol[32][0]="USDLSL"; sSymbol[33][0]="USDMAD"; sSymbol[34][0]="USDMXN"; sSymbol[35][0]="USDMYR"; sSymbol[36][0]="USDNOK"; sSymbol[37][0]="USDNPR"; sSymbol[38][0]="USDPHP"; sSymbol[39][0]="USDPKR"; sSymbol[40][0]="USDPLN"; sSymbol[41][0]="USDRUB"; sSymbol[42][0]="USDSAR"; sSymbol[43][0]="USDSEK"; sSymbol[44][0]="USDSGD"; sSymbol[45][0]="USDTND"; sSymbol[46][0]="USDTRY"; sSymbol[47][0]="USDTWD"; sSymbol[48][0]="USDUAH"; sSymbol[49][0]="USDXOF"; sSymbol[50][0]="USDZAR"; sSymbol[51][0]="USDZMK"; sSymbol[52][0]=""; for ( i=0; i < giCountSymbol;i++ ) { string sIw = DoubleToStr(i,0); WriteIniString( sPathFileINI , "SYMBOL", StringTrimRight ( StringTrimLeft (sIw) ) , sSymbol[i][0]); Print(" w> "+i+" "+sSymbol[i][0]+" "+giCountSymbol ); } } // Print(" > "+0+" "+sSymbol[0]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+1+" "+sSymbol[1]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+2+" "+sSymbol[2]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+3+" "+sSymbol[3]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+4+" "+sSymbol[4]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+5+" "+sSymbol[5]+" "+giCountSymbol ); // Print(" > "+6+" "+sSymbol[6]+" "+giCountSymbol ); } ///////////////////// double BufHi[]; double BufLo[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { // Print( " INIT "); SetIndexBuffer(0,BufHi); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexBuffer(1,BufLo); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); IndicatorShortName( sNameIndicator) ; //DrawSymbol(); InitializeINIFile( ); // (sSymbol ); return(0); } // int deinit() { for(int i = ObjectsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string label = ObjectName(i); if(StringSubstr(label, 0, 3) == "oYZ" ) ObjectDelete(label); } return(0); } // int start() { int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); Comment( " [ "+sSymbol[1][0]+" "+ ( (iClose(Symbol() ,PERIOD_D1 ,0) * 100 ) / iClose(Symbol() , PERIOD_D1, 1) - 100 ) ); DrawSymbol(); DrawIND(); return(0); } void DrawIND() { int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); int bar0; string str; datetime time0; int i; double pc, a; for (i=0; i<Bars; i++) { // ďîëó÷ŕĺě ďîëóíî÷íűé áŕđ str = TimeYear(Time[i])+"."+TimeMonth(Time[i])+"."+TimeDay(Time[i]); time0 = StrToTime(str); bar0=iBarShift(Symbol(), 0, time0); // áĺđĺě öĺíó çŕęđűňč˙ ďđĺäűäóůĺăî äí˙ pc=iClose(Symbol(), 0, bar0+1); a=0; if (pc!=0) a=(iClose(Symbol(),0, i ) *100)/pc-100; if (a>=0) BufHi[i]=a; if (a<=0) BufLo[i]=a; } } // // Đčńóĺě îáúĺęňű íŕ ăđŕôčęĺ // void DrawSymbol() { int i=0; int XD; int YD; YD = 10; color lColor=Aqua; int FindFirstUSDXXX = 0; // ĺńëč ďŕđó íŕřëč ďĺđâűé đŕç int FindFirstXXXUSD = 0; // ĺńëč ďŕđó íŕřëč ďĺđâűé đŕç int indicatorWindow=0; // đŕáîňŕĺě â ăëŕâíîě îęíĺ for ( i = 0 ; i < giCountSymbol; i++) { if(ObjectFind( "oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0] ) == -1 ) { ObjectCreate( "oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0] , OBJ_LABEL, indicatorWindow , 0, 0) ; if ( StringSubstr ( sSymbol[i][0],0,3) == "USD") { XD = 5+30; if ( FindFirstUSDXXX == 0 ) { FindFirstUSDXXX=1; YD = 10; } } if ( StringSubstr ( sSymbol[i][0],3,3) == "USD") { XD = 110+30; if ( FindFirstXXXUSD == 0 ) { FindFirstXXXUSD=1; YD = 10; } } ObjectSet("oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, XD); ObjectSet("oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YD); ObjectSet("oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_CORNER, 1); ObjectSetText("oYZ"+sSymbol[i][0], sSymbol[i][0] , 7, "Arial", Aqua ); } if(ObjectFind( "oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0] ) == -1 ) { ObjectCreate( "oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0] , OBJ_LABEL, indicatorWindow , 0, 0) ; if ( StringSubstr ( sSymbol[i][0],0,3) == "USD") { XD = 5 ; } if ( StringSubstr ( sSymbol[i][0],3,3) == "USD") { XD = 110 ; } ObjectSet("oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, XD); ObjectSet("oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YD); ObjectSet("oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0], OBJPROP_CORNER, 1); } YD = YD + 14; lColor = White; double prcCH = GetPrcCH(sSymbol[i][0]); if ( prcCH > 0 ) lColor = LimeGreen; if ( prcCH < 0 ) lColor = Red; ObjectSetText("oYZ_"+sSymbol[i][0], DoubleToStr(prcCH,3) , 7, "Arial", lColor ); } } // óďđîůĺííűé âŕđčŕíň - áóäĺň ďĺđĺäĺëűâŕňüń˙ // ŕ čěĺííî ńîâěĺůŕňüń˙ ń áŕđíűě číäčęŕňîđîě îň Ŕëĺęńĺ˙ Ńĺđăĺĺâŕ , SERGEEV // double GetPrcCH( string sSymbol ) { double pc=iClose(sSymbol , PERIOD_D1, 1); double a=0; if (pc!= 0 ) a=(iClose(sSymbol,PERIOD_D1 ,0) * 100 ) / pc - 100; return ( a ); } ////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| IniFiles.mqh | //| Ęčě Čăîđü Â. aka KimIV | //| http://www.kimiv.ru | //| 25.04.2006 Áčáëčîňĺęŕ ôóíęöčé äë˙ đŕáîňű ń INI-ôŕéëŕěč. | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #import "kernel32.dll" int GetPrivateProfileStringA ( string SectionName, // Íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč string KeyName, // Íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ string Default, // Çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďî óěîë÷ŕíčţ string ReturnedString, // Âîçâđŕůŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ int nSize, // Đŕçěĺđ áóôĺđŕ ďîä çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ string FileName); // Ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ int WritePrivateProfileStringA ( string SectionName, // Íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč string KeyName, // Íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ string sString, // Çŕďčńűâŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ string FileName); // Ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ #import //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| aiParam - ěŕńńčâ çíŕ÷ĺíčé ń÷čňűâŕĺěîăî ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ReadIniArrayInt(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, int& aiParam[]) { int i = 0, np; string Default = "", st, ReturnedString = " " + " " + " " + " " + " "; int nValue = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, Default, ReturnedString, 255, FileName); if(nValue > 0) { while(StringLen(ReturnedString) > 0) { np = StringFind(ReturnedString, ","); if(np < 0) { st = ReturnedString; ReturnedString = ""; } else { st = StringSubstr(ReturnedString, 0, np); ReturnedString = StringSubstr(ReturnedString, np + 1); } i++; ArrayResize(aiParam, i); aiParam[i-1] = StrToInteger(st); } } else ArrayResize(aiParam, 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| bDefault - çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ ďî óěîë÷ŕíčţ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ReadIniBool(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, bool bDefault = False) { string Default, ReturnedString = ""; if(bDefault) Default = "1"; else Default = "0"; int nValue = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, Default, ReturnedString, 255, FileName); if(nValue > 0) { if(StringGetChar(ReturnedString, 0) == 49) return(True); else return(False); } else return(bDefault); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| dDefault - çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ ďî óěîë÷ŕíčţ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double ReadIniDouble(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, double dDefault = 0.0) { string Default, ReturnedString = ""; Default = DoubleToStr(dDefault, 8); int nValue = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, Default, ReturnedString, 255, FileName); if(nValue > 0) return(StrToDouble(ReturnedString)); else return(dDefault); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| iDefault - çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ ďî óěîë÷ŕíčţ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ReadIniInteger(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, int iDefault = 0) { string Default, ReturnedString = ""; Default = DoubleToStr(iDefault, 0); int nValue = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, Default, ReturnedString, 255, FileName); if(nValue > 0) return(StrToInteger(ReturnedString)); else return(iDefault); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| Default - çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ ďî óěîë÷ŕíčţ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string ReadIniString(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, string Default = "") { string ReturnedString = ""; int nValue = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, Default, ReturnedString, 255, FileName); //Print(">>>>>>>"+ReturnedString+" def="+Default+ " SectionName="+SectionName+ " KeyName="+ KeyName); if(nValue > 0) return(ReturnedString); else return(Default); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| aiParam - ěŕńńčâ çíŕ÷ĺíčé çŕďčńűâŕĺěîăî ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WriteIniArrayInt(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, int& aiParam[]) { int as = ArraySize(aiParam); string sString = ""; for(int i = 0; i < as; i++) { sString = sString + DoubleToStr(aiParam[i], 0); if(i < as - 1) sString = sString + ","; } int nValue = WritePrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, sString, FileName); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| bParam - çŕďčńűâŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WriteIniBool(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, bool bParam) { string sString; if(bParam) sString = "1"; else sString = "0"; int nValue = WritePrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, sString, FileName); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| dParam - çŕďčńűâŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WriteIniDouble(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, double dParam) { string sString = DoubleToStr(dParam, 8); int nValue = WritePrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, sString, FileName); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| iParam - çŕďčńűâŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WriteIniInteger(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, int iParam) { string sString = DoubleToStr(iParam, 0); int nValue = WritePrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, sString, FileName); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ďŕđŕěĺňđű: | //| FileName - ďîëíîĺ čě˙ ôŕéëŕ | //| SectionName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ńĺęöčč | //| KeyName - íŕčěĺíîâŕíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //| sParam - çŕďčńűâŕĺěîĺ çíŕ÷ĺíčĺ ďŕđŕěĺňđŕ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WriteIniString(string FileName, string SectionName, string KeyName, string sParam) { int nValue = WritePrivateProfileStringA(SectionName, KeyName, sParam, FileName); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+